Here is a list of various committees and a few of their duties, currently operating, helping to say THANK YOU and making a difference to our families.
AUDIO VISUAL - help with any type of audio visual films, DVDs, documentaries, etc. as needed.
AWARENESS/MARKETING - distributing and displaying flyers for upcoming events; giving presentations to various groups; giving tours of the cabin; general marketing of OBHC.
BUSINESS INVOLVEMENT - contacting businesses regarding their involvement with OBHC, scheduling family visits to their business; getting feedback from families to the businesses; taking care of any issues with their involvement.
CLEANING- weekly cleaning of the cabin, including kitchen cleanup, bathrooms, floors, laundry, dusting, etc.
FUNDRAISING - develop fundraising activities; general organization and hosting of fundraising activities.
GRANT WRITING - investigate new grant opportunities; help with grant writing duties and collection of necessary documentation.
HEALING HIKE - completion and maintenance of our Healing Hike. May include mowing, placing inspirational rocks, general upkeep.
HOSPITALITY - Welcoming new family each week; check-out of family leaving; general hosting duties at various events or fundraisers; scheduling homemade treats to be delivered to each family.
INFO BOOTH - booth sitting at various events; answering questions, visiting with interested parties, helping to get the word out.
NEWSLETTER - gather information for twice a year newsletter; help put newsletter together and help distributing it.
ORGANIZATION - general help with any type of organization needed, getting packets and coupons ready for families, etc.
OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE - mowing grass, shoveling snow, landscaping duties; general outdoor maintenance.
PARADES - getting us registered for various area parades, organizing all aspects of our participation in the parades.
PHOTOGRAPHER - must be available at various times and events to capture the moment.
RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY - taking family fishing, hiking, caving, exploring, etc.
SCRAPBOOK - document and keep our scrap book up to date.
SOCIAL MEDIA - help with all aspects of social media; website, facebook, etc.
SCAVENGER HUNT - hide clues and prepare for "The Hunt" each week for the children of the hosted family.
THANK YOU WRITER - send out thank you letters/notes as needed.
There are many other untapped areas. We welcome all volunteers and all ideas!
AUDIO VISUAL - help with any type of audio visual films, DVDs, documentaries, etc. as needed.
AWARENESS/MARKETING - distributing and displaying flyers for upcoming events; giving presentations to various groups; giving tours of the cabin; general marketing of OBHC.
BUSINESS INVOLVEMENT - contacting businesses regarding their involvement with OBHC, scheduling family visits to their business; getting feedback from families to the businesses; taking care of any issues with their involvement.
CLEANING- weekly cleaning of the cabin, including kitchen cleanup, bathrooms, floors, laundry, dusting, etc.
FUNDRAISING - develop fundraising activities; general organization and hosting of fundraising activities.
GRANT WRITING - investigate new grant opportunities; help with grant writing duties and collection of necessary documentation.
HEALING HIKE - completion and maintenance of our Healing Hike. May include mowing, placing inspirational rocks, general upkeep.
HOSPITALITY - Welcoming new family each week; check-out of family leaving; general hosting duties at various events or fundraisers; scheduling homemade treats to be delivered to each family.
INFO BOOTH - booth sitting at various events; answering questions, visiting with interested parties, helping to get the word out.
NEWSLETTER - gather information for twice a year newsletter; help put newsletter together and help distributing it.
ORGANIZATION - general help with any type of organization needed, getting packets and coupons ready for families, etc.
OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE - mowing grass, shoveling snow, landscaping duties; general outdoor maintenance.
PARADES - getting us registered for various area parades, organizing all aspects of our participation in the parades.
PHOTOGRAPHER - must be available at various times and events to capture the moment.
RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY - taking family fishing, hiking, caving, exploring, etc.
SCRAPBOOK - document and keep our scrap book up to date.
SOCIAL MEDIA - help with all aspects of social media; website, facebook, etc.
SCAVENGER HUNT - hide clues and prepare for "The Hunt" each week for the children of the hosted family.
THANK YOU WRITER - send out thank you letters/notes as needed.
There are many other untapped areas. We welcome all volunteers and all ideas!
PO BOX 855
[email protected]
PO BOX 855
[email protected]